
Find the Current Location of Indian Trains on a Google Map

Find the Current Location of Indian Trains on a Google Map

The Indian Railways has launched RailRadar, which allows users to watch movements of trains which are currently running in India on Google map.
RailRadar is a live tracker.For security reasons, RailRadar updates trains movements every 5 min.

Peoples can check the current location of Indian Railway Trains using Rail Radar website on a Google can use the Google Maps navigation features to zoom in(+) or zoom-out(-) to a area of your interest. Peoples can search and select a train station from the search box.Using the search box , search for a train either by Train Number or Train Name.

RailRadar Tracker:

Find the Current Location of Indian Trains on a Google Map
Find the Current Location of Indian Trains on a Google Map

  • Yellow icon indicate train which is currently expected to reach its next stop on time .
  • Blue icon indicate trains that are running on time.
  • Red icon represents a running train which is delayed by more than 15 minutes.

Search for a train either by Train Number or Train Name:

Official website: railradar [dot] trainenquiry [dot] com